Trasnport entire discs/mount mounts/folders to remote systems securely (SSL/MD5/Hyper Threaded compression enabled)

If you are looking to transport data to remote systems and need following features

-Smallest transfer size of the  archive
-Maximum compression which your CPU supports
-Secured SSL Transfer (Mostly clients ask for it)
-Tamper proof Transfer with Hash checks to prevent MITM
-Dont want to install any agents or target system
-Dont have access/admin rights  on target system
-Want some thing quick and secured to transfer disc
-Want to know the BW for uplink and time to transfer first


High level Architecture

📜 How to get Started

You can do a Pre Flight Test  to see how much of compression your 
cpu will be able to do and how fast you can encrypt the data.

Clone it 
git clone

$ chmod +x *

$ cd secure_data_transporter/sender
$chmod +x *
$ sender/        //  Sender side simple mode
$ sender/ -b      //  Sender side BW Test mode
## Go to receiver system and cd 
$ cd secure_data_transporter/receiver
$ chmod +x *
$ receiver/      // Receiver side
$ receiver/ -b   // Receiver side BW Test mode

Follow prompts after the tool starts .

** Please note that if using bandwidth mode, port 9000 need to be allowed through firewall, bandwidth server need this port to give up-link statistics.


There are two modes to run ?

  • Simple Mode Lets you send data without testing the Bandwidth between two systems

  • Bandwidth Test mode Will let you send data but also perform a bandwidth test between two systems to estimate the time required to complete the transfer.

Simple Mode

Demo run without BW Test

BW Test Mode

Demo run with BW Test

Demo Stats

2 GB uncompressed to ⇒ 1.2 GB in 95 seconds 
Reduction in size  40%  

CPU info - 
Intel i3@2 Ghz Dell system
4 CPU * 2 cores (8 Threads) utilized while compression 

Encryption duration on above hardware  20 Sec

Transfer time will vary with BW

You can use the bandwidth mode by enabling the -b option 
to send the payload in bandwidth mode.

if ( target system inside L2/L3 switch)
BW will be more and Time taken will be less e.g size of archive/bw

if (target is remote and need ISP/External routing)
BW will be less and time taken will be more 

To transfer 1 GB on 10 Mbytes/s connection will take 100s 

** Please note your ISP uplink speed is in bits, divide by 8 
before doing the above calculations